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Can a Customer Community user access PushTopics for Streaming API?


I have a PushTopic created, and have a VF page with some js in it that subscribes to the topic and logs any results to the console. I've verified that I'm getting results if I'm logged in as a standard user viewing the VF page. However, if I'm logged in as a customer community user, I see no results -- I also see no errors, which is frustrating.

I'm fairly certain the issue is the customer community profile "does not" have access to the PushTopic object. I haven't been able to find anything in the docs, though, that says that only standard users can be granted permissions on that object.

Is there something that I'm missing? Perhaps there a trick to making PushTopics available to community users? Or does the streaming API truly only work for standard users?

Attribution to: Tim Smith

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You cannot give community users access to the Push Topic object. it is not available on profiles and if you try to assign it via permission sets, you get the error "Can't assign permission set StreamingAPI to user xxxxxxx. The user license doesn't allow the permission: Read Push Topics"

Attribution to: brezotom
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