Using AMPScript to parse an XML feed. Client is switching to JSON. Is there something similar to BuildrowsetfromXML() for JSON in AMPScript? I am confined to using the members login area and not an external API application.
Attribution to: xtianjs
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
This worked for me. Passing Recipient_List
as a JSON string attribute to a email template.
"[{\"name\":\"john doe\",\"email\":\"\"},{\"name\":\"jane doe\",\"email\":\"\"}]"
With the JSON string input shown above.
var @json
set @json = AttributeValue("Recipient_List")
{{.dataobject JsonVar type=variable source=@json maxrows=20}}
{{#each JsonVar}}
<p>{{name}}, {{email}}</p>
Attribution to: Tim Graf
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Here's a simple Guide Template Language example:
var @Json
set @Json = '[{"name": "john doe","email": ""},{"name": "jane doe","email": ""}]'
{{.dataobject JsonVar type=variable source=@Json maxrows=20}}
{{#each JsonVar}}
<br><br>Name: {{name}}
<br>Email: {{email}}
Name: john doe
Name: jane doe
NOTE: This doesn't appear to work in Content Builder.
Attribution to: Adam Spriggs
Possible Suggestion/Solution #3
I did this using SSJS and eval(). I could not find a way to parse JSON in AMPscript. Also if I recall correctly JSON.parse() is not implemented in ExactTarget.
There are security concerns with eval() so you should only use it with a trusted source.
Here is my example, where I first use HttpGET() in AMPscript to retrieve JSON from my trusted source.
%%[ set @JSON = HttpGET("http://some-url-that-returns-json") ]%%
<script runat="server">
Platform.Load("Core", "1")
// get JSON from ampscript
var jsonObj = Variable.GetValue("@JSON");
var evaluatedJSON = eval("(" + jsonObj + ")");
Attribution to: Jon Sakas
Possible Suggestion/Solution #4
I use the SSJS function Platform.Function.ParseJSON.
<script runat="server">
var str = '{ "prop1": "propVal" }';
var obj = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(str);
var val = obj.prop1;
Attribution to: SebOB
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