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Automate marking new Leads as read


Is it possible to have other activities mark a Lead as read? We have a use case where some of our users would like to mark Leads as read when they have been included in an Extended Mail Merge.

Example: Twenty new Leads come in and are responded to via Extended Mail Merge. Instead of having to click-through to each Lead they should now be marked as read.

I know that we can do this via the Data Loader so I'm hoping there might be a way to do this with triggers or in mass on a Visualforce page.

Attribution to: Mike Chale

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

It turns out that a free 3rd party app from the App Exchange for handling mass edits and updates provides this functionality.


As requested, the app is Mass Update and Mass Edit by Salesforce Labs.

Attribution to: Mike Chale

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

Just tried a Mass effect button added to the List view, and it seems to be able to update the field on the lead, returns a successful result. Create a List Button, with on click JS behaviour, paste in the JS below and add it to the Lead List View Search Layout. (You can also set IsUnreadByOwner to true, to mark them unread, seemingly. Managed to query via Workbench to verify.)

var records = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.Lead)}; 
var updateRecords = []; 

if (records[0] == null) { 
    alert("Please select at least one record to update."); 
} else { //otherwise, there was a record selection
    for (var a=0; a<records.length; a++) { //for all records
        var update_Lead = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
        update_Lead.Id = records[a];
        update_Lead.IsUnreadByOwner = "false"; 
    result = sforce.connection.update(updateRecords); 
       alert('Result is ' + result);


Attribution to: techtrekker
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