I have one Pick List and two text fields. I want to auto enter text in the two fields on the basis of value selected in picklist. For example : Values in Pick List are A and B. While filling the details if A is selected the in both text fileds 'You have selected A' should come automatically and if I select B then 'You have selected B' . How can I do that?
Attribution to: Ajay Sainy
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
You can do something like this :
public class CopyPickListValues {
public string values{get; set;}
public string str1{get; set;}
public string str2{get; set;}
public CopyPickListValues(){
public list<SelectOption>getItems(){
list<SelectOption>options=new list<SelectOption>();
options.add(new selectOption('A','A'));
options.add(new selectOption('B','B'));
return options;
It is an example of what you are trying to achieve.
Attribution to: Ajay Dubedi
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