My Controller returns a list of strings in a SET variable to Visual force page. I want to use an apex repeat to iterate over the SET collection but when I save the VF page it gives me an error. Is that we cannot use SET in apex:repeat?
This is the error message Wrong type for attribute. Expected String, found SetValue
The reason I dont want to use a LIST collection is because I want to remove duplicates in the strings which is why I have used SET.
Attribution to: DCBoy
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
You can definitely use a Set in a repeat. Maybe you have the Set in the wrong place or aren't using the {!} notation correctly? Double check with the reference on apex:repeat.
In the Controller. The property and initializing it in the Constructor, for example's sake:
public with sharing class TestController {
public Set<String> aset { get; set; }
public TestController () {
aset = new Set<String>{'a','b','c'};
The Visualforce snippet:
<apex:repeat value="{!aset}" var="a">
<apex:outputText value="{!a}"/><br/>
Attribution to: Peter Knolle
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
I know this is a bit late, but I ran into a similar issue:
<apex:page controller="Con_ShowEmSchweetly">
<apex:repeat value="{!myIdSet}" var="myId">
<c:mySchweetComponent relatedId="{!myId}"/>
with my controller
public class Con_ShowEmSchweetly{
public set<id> myIdSet {get;set;}
public Con_ShowEmSchweetly(){
this.myIdSet=new set<id>();
for(Project__c p:[SELECT id FROM Project__c])
I was getting this error:
Error: Wrong type for attribute
<c:mySchweetComponent projectId="{!pId}">
. Expected id, found SetValue
The solution is to change myIdSet
to a list<id>
Sample Component
Component Controller
public class Con_mySchweetComponent{
public id projId {get;set;}
public list<Project_Item__c> projectItemList {get;set;}
public Con_mySchweetComponent(){
this.projectItemList=new list<Project_Item__c>();
}// NOTE: a component doesn't initialize variables, the component sets them after the controller is initialized
public Project__c getProject(){
return new Project___c();
// in this example, calling getProject() will initialize this.projectItemList
this.projectItemList=[SELECT id,Name,Description__c
FROM Project_Item__c
WHERE Project__c =:projId];
return [SELECT id,Name
FROM Project__c
WHERE id =:projId];
}//END Con_mySchweetComponent
Visualforce Component
<apex:component controller="Con_mySchweetComponent">
<apex:attribute name="projectId" assignTo="{!projId}"
type="id" required="true"
description="Id for which Project to display"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="{!Project.Name}">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" title="Visualforce Pages">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ProjectItemList}" var="projectItem" columnClasses="controllerCol-1,controllerCol-2">
<apex:column headerValue="Page"><apex:outputLink value="{!}">{!projectItem.Name}</apex:outputLink></apex:column>
<apex:column headerValue="Description" value="{!projectItem.Description__c}"/>
Attribution to: Scott Pelak
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