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Ancestor lookup in service cloud console


My Case has a lookup-field for Contact, which in turn has a lookup-field for a custom object Customer. How can I directly open the Customer record in a subtab from the Case detail page?

So I'd like to have a field on the standard Case page layout which shows the Customer name, and when you click on it the customer record opens in a subtab.

It should look like this:

enter image description here

Attribution to: Jolanda Verhoef

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

What you need is a junction object. In this case you'd need to make the Contact your junction object.

The junction object would have master-detail relationships with the 2 objects you want to connect ( in this case "Case" and "Customer")

Case --master detail relationship --> Contact <-- master detail relationship -- Customer

This would then allow you to access the customer records from the case object.

I hope this answers your question. I'm unable to see the image you've posted for some reason.

If you'd like a more detailed, step-by-step solution take a look at the Relationships chapter in fundamentals

Attribution to: RohanC

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

Another way you could do this would be by using a custom link on your cases page.

  1. Go to Customize->Cases->Buttons, Links, Actions

  2. Create a New Button/Link.

  3. Behavior : Display in a new Window

  4. URL: "/{!Contact.CustomerId__c}" (You might have to replace the exact name based on your object name)

  5. Save

Then go to the page layout of the Case Object and add this new button/link there.

Attribution to: RohanC
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