I have a query onto the OpportunityLineItem table.
AggregateResult[] OppLineItemsPlays = [select OpportunityId, PricebookEntry.Product2.Play__c, COUNT(id)
from OpportunityLineItem
where OpportunityId in: oppid
group by OpportunityId, PricebookEntry.Product2.Play__c];
System.debug('\n ------------------->OppLineItemsPlays = ' + OppLineItemsPlays);
I expected results like:
Count=1, OpportunityId=1, Play__c=RED},
Count=2, OpportunityId=1, Play__c=WHITE},
Count=1, OpportunityId=2, Play__c=WHITE},
Count=2, OpportunityId=2, Play__c=BLACK}
Count=2, OpportunityId=3, Play__c=RED},
Count=2, OpportunityId=4, Play__c=RED},
Count=2, OpportunityId=4, Play__c=BLACK}
So that I get the number of OLIs that have the same Playcode for each opportunity
What I get is:
AggregateResult:{expr0=3, OpportunityId=1, Play__c=RED,
AggregateResult:{expr0=2, OpportunityId=2, Play__c=WHITE},
AggregateResult:{expr0=2, OpportunityId=4, Play__c=BLACK}
I was thinking that the GROUP BY would give me the equivalent of a dual Primary key... I want to know how many OLIs for OPP1 have Play = RED, then push that to the Opportunity. (I know a rollup would work - but we've run out and there are no more to be had)
These are batch loaded / updated so the current code works ok when working with a single opportunity no matter how many Products are added. When >1 opportunity is added the Aggregate fails
Attribution to: SeanGorman
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